Perrysburg, Ohio – The future of cannabis dispensaries in Perrysburg remains uncertain, but the city council is opening the door to the possibility of allowing retail cannabis businesses. The council is currently considering a new ordinance that would modify the city’s zoning code, potentially allowing up to two dispensaries to operate within the city limits.
The discussion comes after the city implemented a moratorium on retail dispensaries, cultivators, and cannabis processors. Council Member Tim McCarthy, who chairs the zoning and planning committee, emphasized that the decision ultimately rests with the community. “Do we want to have these types of establishments here in town, or could they be located elsewhere outside of our community?” McCarthy asked, inviting citizens to consider the impact and voice their opinions.
If approved, the ordinance would regulate the location of dispensaries, ensuring they are situated at least 500 feet away from sensitive areas such as schools, libraries, churches, childcare centers, and public playgrounds, in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code. The new zoning changes would specifically target dispensaries, while cultivators and processors would remain banned from the city limits.
Council members have expressed mixed views on the proposal. Council Member Cory Kuhlman noted that the potential for economic growth through new businesses could be a key factor in helping the city’s tax base and supporting local schools. “How do we help facilitate economic development? Which kinds do we want?” Kuhlman said, highlighting the ongoing conversation about the city’s economic future.
Despite the discussions, council members have made it clear that they are not yet committed to any outcome. “I’m aware that some have reservations, I’m aware that others may be more disposed to allowing these types of uses, I couldn’t predict, I wouldn’t bet on how this might end up,” McCarthy told 13 Action News.
At a recent meeting, no citizens spoke up during the public comment period about the proposed zoning changes. Several attendees said they were still forming their opinions on the matter. One individual expressed the view that marijuana should be treated similarly to alcohol in terms of regulation.
The Perrysburg City Council plans to hold two additional readings of the proposed ordinance, with votes expected after the second and third readings scheduled for March 4 and March 18. During these meetings, there will be further opportunities for public comment, and the council has encouraged citizens to share their thoughts on the issue.
In the meantime, city leaders are working to provide residents with more detailed information about the proposed changes. Citizens can also reach out through the city’s website or social media channels to express their views.